Monday, November 15, 2010

monday musings

So I know I’ve been hit or miss with the ole bloggy lately. Sorry. I really have no excuses. I only mention it because I want you to know that I know that you know…

And what is on my mind this lovely fall day? Nothing too earth shattering…

File:DailyMile logo.gif

I’ve been running on the treadmill lately…yay me! I’ve been keeping a training log at dailymile. My profile name is KristenW if you want to friend me there. I’m nearly up to 20 miles…no great mileage but pretty cool after being off for a month and not having put in great miles for over a month prior to that. Debating a 5k with the hubby for Thanksgiving morning. Looking forward to ramping up the training starting in December for my first Half Marathon in March. And thinking hard about taking a running getaway for my birthday weekend in June (it will be my big 4-0 so I want to make it something extra memorable!).

I’ve GOT to spend some time editing some pictures and planning some layouts. There are some fun things happening out there in scrapbook land and I am just watching from the outside…sigh.

Wondering when I’ll get the fire lit under my behind to start my Christmas shopping. First up would be providing the grandparent units with some lists. My boys have extremely generous grandparents on all sides…so grateful for that. But the level of “I want” this time of year in my house is driving me nuts. We are working on being grateful for what we have and finding ways to cut back on the level of STUFF in the house.

ChiRunning: A Revolutionary Approach to Effortless, Injury-Free Running


I just started reading this book. I have high hopes for improvement of my running form so that I can simultaneously make running even more enjoyable and avoid further injury breaks. Coming back to running after an injury is great…but I’m planning the mental game of not wanting to hurt myself again. I’ve heard great things about this book…and the first chapter has me very intrigued!


Jesus Calling - Devotional


I’m also reading this book. It’s a daily devotional with great writings from the author coupled with related passages from the bible. It’s wonderfully organized for someone who thinks their day is ‘too busy’ to spend time with God. I actually have a copy of the book upstairs and downstairs


Jesus Calling App



as well as the app on my iPhone, so there are no excuses. I highly recommend it…both the book and/or the app.





So those are my Monday afternoon musings…what are yours?


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