So as you read this, I'm nearly home from a 4 night/5 day camping trip with my brother in law's family and us. Crazy!
I had written all my previous posts and scheduled them to pop up each day to keep you entertained while I was away...were you entertained?
Although I can't speak to this very trip just yet (as I am actually writing this on the 18th!), I know that we always have a great time with those other Wordens. My hubby and his brother are good camping/fishing buddies and my sister-in-law and I are very close. The cousins all get along and love having playmates. (Our neice is 3 weeks younger than T and our nephew is 6 months older than S). I'm sure I'll have stories to tell...and most importantly PICTURES.
We went to Lundy Lake, which is on the Eastern side of the Sierra...between Mammoth and Bridgeport. Hubby's family has been going there for 3 generations now and it is his dream fishing spot. As I write this, all our camping and fishing gear is ready to go in the truck and it's still two days til we leave! Sheesh!
After growing up going there every year, hubby has been jonesing for it lately. Since kids we've actually only gone once...that picture above is when we last went in 2003. That's Jake with Daddy when he was just one month shy of turning 2!
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