I'm loving T man's age right now. He is so interested in reading and writing and all things related to starting school in a month!
One of the things he is most looking forward to this fall is our tradition of Bishop's Pumpkin Farm. As a Kindergartner, he gets to go with his class...on the bus! This is a big deal for some reason.
Last week he kept talking about it again and told me..."Mom, I need to make a list so I don't forget to bring a quarter to the pumpkin farm. I want to feed the animals!" There is a petting zoo and you can buy feed to have the goats eat out of your hand. Fun for the kids...stinky, but fun!
So as soon as we walked in the door, he got out markers and paper and proceeded to ask me how to spell each word: October, quarter, feed, animals and then he signed his name and added his brothers' names (he loves them so).
The list is on our refrigerator so we don't forget in October!
With this weather lately, I'm wishing for October, too...
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