Check out their website here: Down East Basics. If you are at the Galleria in Roseville you must browse it. It's in the Macy's wing, across from the Disney Store. If you haven't been in a should know they moved things around a bit and Disney is downstairs now. DEB (as my friend Tanya and I affectionately call it) is in the old Motherhood Maternity slot...Go now!
Things like this coat...lined in a zebra print...oh my!
By the way...I tried on that ruffle tshirt (above) and with my body proportion it looked a little like a bib...but now that I look at it with a coat...or maybe a cardigan, I might be able to pull it off...hmmmmm
But I did buy this tuxedo shirt in red. I have it in short sleeve now I have it in long sleeves too! The thing I love about this store is that the pieces are basics like I wear everyday...but with a little pizzazz so it's not just a boring tshirt and uniform these days!
Oooh...this wasn't in yet...but I can't wait to see it in person. I love bags. And shoes. Too bad DEB doesn't carry shoes...
And I need to find time to get in there without kids so I can try on this dress. Not that the weather is right for it right now...but I like to have things in the closet to look forward too...and this dress is so me!
Alrighty...that's enough...I'm getting the urge to shop and I can't right to do list is tooo long...
I'll be back soon with some holiday scrapiness...I promise.

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