We interrrupt this kit club news to bring you...A single pager! Shocking!
We’re in the midst of some rearranging in my scrap space/office/craft room…and now it’s becoming a workout room. Yep. Not only do I get to make a mess of it and Tyler gets to make a mess of it (he’s my art guy) but now hubby gets to make a mess of it too!
It’s a good thing. My hubby won a big contest at work and brought home the latest and greatest Precor treadmill. I am so proud of him and so happy to have an alternative to the gym during rainy weather or long days. It fits right in with my goal of the 5K in April (I’m on week 5 of training…feeling good!) I’m only slightly bummed that it takes up half of ‘my’ room.
Another plus is that I get to have the cable officially connected in the room. Hubby has to have it to run on the treadmill, or course. Now I’ll have it to scrap to as well. Yay!
So while I was rearranging, cleaning and purging (didn’t I just do this when we moved this stuff downstairs?) I came across a stack of layouts I had started but hadn’t completed for whatever reason. This brothers page is one of them.
I honestly am not even sure when I started it. It must have been when this line of My Mind’s Eye papers came out. And I know it was at least a year ago. Sigh.
I’m not that in love with the design of it. But now it’s done and the story of my oldest cutting big chunks out of his and his brother’s hair is told. That’s what scrapbooking is about for me. Sure, I spend time making sure some things are perfect…especially if they are for design team stuff…but mostly I’m concerned with getting the stories that go with my pictures told. So I don’t sweat it when I’m not 100% satisfied. That’s part of the process.
Here’s a fun trick. I only used 2 sheets of paper and one 2 piece tag on this layout! I figured out how I wanted the shield piece to lay on the solid piece and then trimmed out a bit from the solid piece. I used that extra scrap to punch circles and also to run through my printer for the journaling. Cost saver! {Just a note…make sure you pay attention before putting the adhesive on the top layer…obviously I thought the opening in the background was smaller than it actually was! LOL!}
The two piece tag is part of the line as well…the title piece punched out from the frame. Look out…two embellishments!
How do you save money in your scrapbooking?
I'll be back tomorrow with more kit club goodness...
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