Friday, April 23, 2010

needing a little inspiration

I’m rounding the final corner on ‘a week in MY life’ and feeling a little tired. It’s Friday, we survived two single mommin’ days and I’m still feeling blah.

Maybe it’s the weather…I mean, the weather is amazing today…so bright and sunny and gorgeous. But I always have a hard time in Spring with the rain one day, bright and beautiful the next. My brain doesn’t know what to do…not to mention my wardrobe.

I pulled on my favorite down vest and Uggs today…and picking up T from school I realized I was way over dressed. That makes me annoyed when I have to re-think my outfit for the day…anyone else?

Seriously, silly little things are pushing me over the edge today. Sorry I’m dumping on you.

To help me get out of this funk I’m perusing my favorite clothing website. Ah…signs of spring and summer at Down East Basics.

Some things that caught my eye today:

appliqaoktankCute…loving the applique’d flowery details. Of course, this is a summer top for sure. Unless I added a little cardigan…

springscarf_shot1_13 And you can tell that I’m really anticipating summer when this dress is catching my eye too…

beachbabe_C9H1242 Looks like I might have to find some me time to get over there and try some stuff on! Because this dress with it’s length is more Spring-like…and it has the flower detail at the neckline too…oooh

freshflowers_26 Sigh…now how to get out of the house without the kids. :)

I’ll check back in later with more week in the life stuff…maybe I should include these few minutes of computer escape on my events for today?


1 comment:

  1. You are funny! The weather and the wardrobe . . . totally agree. Very confusing. I tried on the pink dress with the flowers. It didn't look right on me, but it is WAY cute!!
